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2019 – 2nd Annual GP Liver Forum

Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Fairmont Hotel Vancouver 900 West Georgia St., Vancouver

7.30-8.30       REGISTRATION AND BREAKFAST                                                                                


8.30-8.35       Program Welcome & Objectives


8.35-9.40       Plenary Session 1                                                                                                               

                        - Abnormal Liver Enzymes- Evaluation and differential diagnosis.               Dr. Ramji

                        - Viral Hepatitis Review: It’s in Your Practice!                                                      Dr. Ko

9.40- 10.10    Discussion Plenary Session 1


10.10-10.20   BREAK                                                                                                                                  

10.20- 11.20  Workshop

                        - Care Of The Cirrhotic Patient: Decompensation and Cancer Screening    Dr. Tam

11.20- 12.15  Plenary Session 2                                       

                        - Alcoholic Liver Disease: Evaluation and Therapy.                                       Dr. Ramji

                        - Fatty Liver Disease: Is It real, is it significant?                                                  Dr. Ko                   

12.15- 12.30  Discussion Plenary Session 2


12.30- 12.35  CLOSING

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